
Video Marketing Or Voice Searches: Which One Is More Popular?

Nowadays, most people prefer to watch a video rather than reading a page of text. According to studies on human nature, people remember 20% of what they see, 30% of what they hear and 70 % of what they see and hear both. Video is no longer just a small part but has grown up to play a huge a role in digital marketing. The above study shows that video marketing can be the best SEO strategy for ranking a website on result pages.

If you are a beginner in video marketing, then you must read this blog. It can give you complete knowledge about how to execute an effective video marketing strategy.

What is Video Marketing and How it Affect People?

The term Video Marketing reflects its meaning, it is a way to promote your business through videos.  If you want to run successful marketing campaigns, you have to be more focused on your strategies. Video marketing consists of everything with moving effects or animated such as Instagram stories, live streaming, newsfeed videos, animated pictures (GIF’s) and many more.

Video marketing can help you to raise customer engagement on your website. Video is very easy to access for both to watch and to produce. Customers like it because it is easy to adapt, user-friendly, entertaining and delightful. Marketers love it because it can help for a huge return on investment (ROI) by using various platforms.

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Voice Searches: Another Way to Attract an Audience

Voice search is a voice recognition technology that allows users to do searches by using their voice. Over the past few years, the use of smartphone assistant and smear speakers like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant become popular very rapidly. Nowadays, more than 20 % of all the mobile searches are done through voice and this ratio will increase in the future.

How Voice Searches affect SEO Strategies?

Voice searches bring both positive and negative results on SEO, but it depends on how you use this strategy for marketing purposes. In some situations where you are unable to write long words to search something, voice searches have become a good option.

Suppose if a user is asking for “best digital marketing service providers in New York”, then voice recognition device tells only the top searches ranked on search pages. If you just want only top searches for anything then you can use this feature. It can help both search engines and marketers to better recognize users need and serve them better traditional text searching.

As I said at the beginning of this blog, people remember those things quickly which they see and listen to both. That’s why an effective video can be a very good example to prove this theory. According to the survey done by ProICT LLC, 31% for experiential marketing, 28% for micro-moments, 24% for motion design, 21% for visual search and only 10% for voice searches are important for digital marketing strategies.

The above survey shows that video marketing is the most preferred choice of marketers as compared to voice searches. That’s why professionals are including videos in their marketing campaigns. For more updates on various digital marketing strategies, stay connected to us.

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