
Tricks That Professionals Recommend To Increase Instagram Followers

Whenever we talk about social media marketing platforms, instagram is the topmost social media channel and most preferred by professionals for their online marketing strategies.

Out of 500 million people viewing Instagram stories every day, a third of those are from businesses. As I said that Instagram is known as one of the best social media marketing tools out there.

Ways to Use Instagram to Expand Business

Not only can you use the social media network to improve your brand’s visibility, but it can also be used to interact with influencers and other big names in your industry. So today we are about to learn some ways to get genuine Instagram followers on your business profile.

Prepare a Plan & Create a Content Calendar with Great Ideas

Now the most important thing before you begin your marketing campaigns, you need to prepare a blueprint or plan so that you can find out and follow every single step towards your Instagram marketing strategies.

When we work according to the planning, we labor over ideas, delivery, and optimization. Take as much as time to discover creative and clever content ideas that align with upcoming seasons, holidays so that the audience can relate with your business and you would get more traffic and might achieve sales goals.

You can still be flexible and post spontaneously as ideas come to you.

Moreover, you could potentially post several times in a day or several times a week which completely depends on your business needs. So make an Instagram content  and posting plan and make sure to stick with it.

Post Well-Composed Images & Videos

Instagram is a visual platform wherein no place for blurry photos or images that annoys the viewer. For instance, a low-quality content won’t get any engagement and might even cost you some followers. Similarly, low quality or blurred images also affect your Instagram followers. That is why social media marketing experts prefer to use high-quality photos and videos when posting to Instagram or any other social media platform.

Try Different Filters & Dimensions

Just because you’re a business doesn’t mean you can’t use or have fun with filters by using different dimensions. On the contrary, you should use filters on your content.

However, the more creative, unique and captivating your photos and videos are, the more likely people are going to share and follow your account. For that you can go one step ahead by downloading photo editing apps to add more filters and effects in your photos and videos.

Use Instagram Analytics to Feed Your Persona Researches

By having an Instagram business account, you will also access the Instagram analytics feature that shows when your audience is most active and much more information about them. Use that data to optimize your posting schedule.

Instagram also gives you insights into the age, gender, and location breakdown of your audience, which can be a starting point for doing personal research.

I think now it’s time to take a pause here and continue this topic in another blog post until then you can read more blogs and articles based on several Instagram or other social media marketing tricks in order to grow your business.

If you are having confusion or issue during the implementation of above instagram tips then I would suggest you to counsel with the experts of ProICT LLC. You can also leverage their several digital marketing services across the world.

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