Top Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using During the Quarantine

Top Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using During the Quarantine

What to achieve more traffic and better SEO results with less investment? In the year of the corona pandemic, most of the digital marketing agencies are looking for the same to boost their results. Well, their wishes do come true with this blog post where I will explain top SEO tools you should be using during quarantine to boost the SEO result.

What do you need to comprehend?

Right before we start with the list of tools it is important to understand over the time search engine has become more crucial than ever.

New trends are emerging in the market and in order to stay afloat, you need to keep your SEO tricks right under your sleeves. And by term new trends means AI window, voice recognition, voice command, AI assistance like Siri, Cortana, Google assistance, and Amazon Alexa. If you want to stay in the market even during this challenging time of pandemic then, here are top SEO tools you can use:

Google analytics

Let’s begin the list with the most obvious one- Google analytics. Being an invaluable digital marketing tool, no SEO topic is complete without its mention. When utilized with knowledge and skills, Google analytics can provide a lot of useful data about the website such as a number of people visited the site, traffic rate, traffic resources, location demographics, and more. With this exact and detailed information about the website, you can come up with a full-proof strategy based on what works and what doesn’t.

It is one of the most important tools in the market that every SEO service provider should be using to come up with the marketing strategy to promote their products and services online.

Answer the public

Answer the public is one of the most overlooked tools in marketing. However, it can come handy when you want to optimize your content for the voice search. As AI assistance is trending nowadays having a tool like ‘Answer the public’ is crucial to find out about the questions or phrases people use when they search online to optimize your content accordingly.

The tool also provides the keyword suggestions with phrases such as “like”, “with” and “versus”. It is an excellent content that allows you to create better content that people will enjoy and more likely to share.


Another amazing tool that you can double your results is the ‘keyworddit’ a free tool that allows you to find keywords from the subreddits on the Reddit and a list of threads that allows you to find where the particular keyword was used.

You type in a specific subreddit it will filter down a handful of keywords along with the monthly research for those exact terms in the U.S. this way you can cover the wider geographical area. Keyworddit is easy to use and can provide some in-depth insides into the interest of the target audience.


Woorank is another important tool that allows you to have some useful insights that can help you to further enhance your website SEO. How does it work? Well, it simply creates the SEO score for your website and a suitable marketing checklist that will guide you to fix any possible issue with your website’s SEO.

Another important feature of this tool is the ‘social shareability pane’ that allows users to have social network data such as numbers of likes, comments, and shares across social networks. Isn’t cool? It also has the section where you can find information like how your website pages load on the mobile devices and how much time they take. it is an ideal tool for professionals who offers digital marketing solutions to promote different brands.

That’s enough for today, we will further continue this topic in our next blog post. Until then, you can test and try these SEO tools.



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