Lockdown Lessons to see Things in new way

Lessons of Lockdown: How To See Things From A Different View

Well, this year indeed took a different turn than others, making it one of the most challenging years of the 21st century, to say the least. When the ball hit the floor on the new year eve, we entered into the new decade with all the excitement to discover what this year holds for us, but destiny took a different turn, and here we are locked down in our homes. This pandemic lockdown also affected the global trade itself putting the small businesses under the threat of a shutdown.

Creative web design solutions, photographs, illustration, and copywriting services that used to keep our clients on their toes are on the hold and only God knows when they are going to re-hire us for the work. For some of you out there with outstanding invoices must be wondering how long it will take to get you paid.

Lessons from lockdown

Rather than focusing on things that are out of our hands, we need to find ways to adapt the current condition to survive through this difficult phase. It is time to work on your website, portfolio, brand image, and starting side projects and refusing to let the current situations to demotivate you. Through this blog post, we are explaining life lessons you can learn from the lockdown and see the things from a different view:

Prioritize saving over other things

As elders always say “have a little saving before you move ahead as a company”. There will be a time when things will become difficult and you will need to be ready for them. However, nobody thought that things would have gone this bad this fast. In order to survive, cut down all the unnecessary expenses and divert your money to only essentials like digital marketing strategies to keep the cash flow in. As you know the situation is different right now; there is no endpoint and it affects everyone.

Change the way you get paid

Are sick of 30 days wait for your payment? Well, if you want to survive through this difficult time then, payment structure needs to be improved.

Ameena Roje a London based photographer explains “even before the coronavirus pandemic I used to get paid 14 days after the delivery which used to be frustrating. Therefore, I decided to set the payment terms myself. Now I request some % upon the competition of the shoot and some % after the final delivery.”

You can learn from Ameena and set up the payment structure in stages- how many stages, it depends upon the size and budget of the project. The two-stage deposit might be all you need for the small project but if you required to work months on a single project then, you can alter the payment structure.

Remember your clients are human too

This is the time when you need to be “kind and human” to all of your clients. You never know what the second person is going through this time. Rather than treating them as only clients who pay you or give you the feedback of work, treat them as a human being.

The point is we are all in the same boat. So, try not to assume anything and forget that your clients might be struggling too. Talk to them over the phone to find out if they can’t pay your invoice then, what could they afford to spend? Could they do it in stages? Offers help to reduce the burden. Something is better than nothing right? They will remember your kindness when things get normal again.

Learn to say no without guilt and hesitation

Now, when we have free time to consider our business, life, and marketing, many of us might be realizing that they are not happy with some aspects of the work. They may feel like they are running on the same road again and again and now need a change.

They may become up with works that do not add value to their portfolio or clients that hesitate to pay or constantly delay the payment- don’t be afraid to say NO without feeling the guilt.

Don’t forget about your own marketing strategy

It is an opportunity to work on your own website to capture the attention of the people who are shopping online. There are companies who are cutting down their marketing share to save funds which gives you the opportunity to be on the top with the best digital marketing strategies and get all work available out there.

Don’t forget when things get tough, the tough get the marketing…

The current pandemic lockdown is indeed a difficult time, not only for you and me but also for everyone out there. So, the least thing you can do right now is, stay kind to everyone and help those who are in desperate needs. Moreover, if you need any help with web design and development or digital marketing services then, feel free to consult with experts at ProICT LLP.

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