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Video Marketing Strategies For Business

Tips to Boost Your Video Marketing Strategy Part 1

In the digital marketing world, building a strong relationship with customers is one of the major factors for a website’s success and reputation as well. In order to do that, using infographics and content videos are one of the impactful and successful SEO strategies used and recommended by professionals.

That is why everyone focuses on becoming more visible to searchers, so that they will consider only them whenever they need to avail products or services that are adequate to your website. If you want to establish this kind of trust with your audience and shorten your sales cycle, you need to be creating video. But where do you start?

What refers to video marketing strategy?

As everyone is aware and proved scientifically that our human brain is designed to remember things and scenarios which we  see practically or in simple words in front of our eyesight. That is why more and more brands are seeing success in using video content on their social media business profiles including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

According to the study report, more than 64% of the audience got attracted and responded upon video contents and infographics. that proves that using videos and images is the most effective form of online marketing technique in order to grow their business.

Amazing video marketing tips and tricks

Now you are familiar with the real role of video marketing, let’s look at a few tips to help you bring your video marketing strategy to the fore.

Identity your audience goals

First of all, you need to find out what kind of information, product, or service for which your audience is looking?

To make your videos effective and impressive, you need to start thinking like your customer or client think.

You need to do your research and have a clear understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences.

To do this, you need to determine:

  • What channels they’re using to consume video
  • The type of language they use, and which will best communicate your message
  • What challenges or needs they have, which you can provide a solution for?

Play Nice & Do Not Harm

When using video during uncertain times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, try to suggest tips for positive public relations.

Create helpful videos with a questioning title such as “how-to” videos. For instance, chefs from around the world utilize their free time and make helpful cooking videos to stay in front of their audience.

Related Post: Video Marketing Or Voice Searches: Which One Is More Popular?

Keep Viewers Engaged With Video Marketing Techniques

According to Social Media Marketing Experts, the amount of time that a viewer has watched a video, is the most important factor of the YouTube algorithm.

So, next tips is create great content that should be fresh, unique, compelling, entertaining and most importantly informative as well.

But, never create videos that are longer than four minutes and thirty seconds and shorter than 16 minutes.

You cannot survive in online marketing world without realizing the importance of video, yet it still overwhelms them. As I said at the beginning of this blog, people remember those things quickly which they see and listen to both. . According to the SEO Professionals, 31% for experiential marketing, 28% for micro-moments, 24% for motion design, 21% for visual search and only 10% for voice searches are must while implementing digital marketing strategies on your website as well as business. That’s why professionals focus on including videos in their marketing campaigns. To know more about video marketing and online marketing tactics, read blogs and articles on the website of ProICT LLC.




COVID-19: Survival Guidance for The PPC Marketers

Let’s be honest about the current marketing conditions!

The scare of COVID-19 is all over the news. People are only aiming for the essentials and companies are cutting down their marketing budget to survive through this crisis.

How it is going to affect those who are living on marketing solutions? As the marketers not only, they do have to deal with the pandemic crisis but also with the client crisis as well. In fact, the recent survey in China highlighted that more than 45% of the businesses have cut down their marketing efforts including social media marketing services to save money during the crisis.

Currently, it seems like there is no escape as the whole world is in the middle of the crisis. If you have not taken any effective steps then, chances are there that this crisis will break your business and reputation in the market.

Survival tips that can save your business

Right before you dig further to these tactics, comprehend that it is a difficult time for everyone and you are not alone. As people are hoping for the miracle, you need to be kind and help those who are in need. Cutting down your profit, for now, can help you to earn loyal customers for the future.

# Tip 1: Practice empathy

You must be wondering how empathy is going to help you to survive? Well, practicing empathy with your clients who are working in the essential industries during this critical time (hospitals, food production, etc). There is no denial of the fact that spending has come to a halt. There are some agencies that are less fortunate than others depending solely on the industries they serve.

The impact of the pandemic lockdown can be seen in a form of shrunken contracts, lay-offs, and even employee furloughs. You and your clients are going through the same and that’s why now is the time to have a real conversation with your clients with words like:

  • How are you doing?
  • Can I help you with anything?

We are all human after all and we need someone to rely upon during such a difficult time. Practice empathy now will help you to put your business forward in the near future.

# Tip 2: Use the pivot strategy

Almost every business in the market is showing the signs of the strategy shift. As mentioned earlier, most of the businesses are just cutting their advertising costs. However, they are other businesses that are doing the right opposite. Unlike others, they find this critical time as an opportunity to cut the competition and rank higher on the first page of the Google search result to capture more eyes.

If the client’s budget has come to a stop then, rather than thinking “what should I do now?” it is time to bring your creativity out to rank higher.

# Tip 3: Stay productive

Practicing empathy and staying productive goes hand-to-hand. Right now, your client must be heading to 100 different directions. Therefore, marketing during the time of crisis is the time to stay productive. Some of the common practices of productivity include:

  • Track the competition
  • Check-in with the daily requirement
  • Revise your bidding strategy for PPC marketing services
  • Bring the smartest ideas to the table

Right now, businesses around the world need to stay creative with their marketing services to keep the visitors attracted, engaged, and loyal.

Don’t forget, during the time of crisis people often feels scared, and emotions are high. It is difficult for everyone. So, by paying attention to your client’s need and following the above survival tips you can weather the storm. Moreover, if you are looking for more information regarding the PPC marketing services then, feel free to visit the ProICT LLC.


LinkedIn Is Allowing Their Users To Add Polls Into Their Posts

Have you ever heard about LinkedIn or ever create a profile on it?

Those who are working as a professional are definitely familiar with LinkedIn, which is a great platform for individuals to build up their career through social media.

When we talk about Social Media Marketing, LinkedIn is one of the most effective channels that help professionals to generate leads through promoting a brand or an online business. LinkedIn contains more than 380 million registered users and the network allows organizations to connect with the world with such a huge audience.

Recently the team of LinkedIn has been working on a new feature that allows their users to add a poll or review to any post. The new poll feature was identified by an expert during the search of finding unreleased features by social media apps.

What Is New in This Feature?

According to the user’s experience who uses this feature, it is a little bit similar to twitter polls. With this LinkedIn poll feature, users can create a simple poll with one question or a query and put up to four options or responses. And another benefit of using this feature that the polls can last more than two weeks, which is simply twice to twitter polls that maximum last for seven days.

Basically, other leading social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, allow polls but it is only able to be created or shared in the stories that will be disappeared after 24 hours.

However, LinkedIn has not officially announced anything about their new feature like when it will be released. Moreover, the company has quietly published several documents about how to use polls when the feature is eventually launched that is giving a hint about it. But the feature is available on LinkedIn and will eventually be rolling out to users.

More related to LinkedIn poll feature


As per the experienced users, when they sta8rt creating a poll they had to adjust the visibility settings first.  This visibility setting will help SMM Professionals to set the visibility criteria for the audience however you wish to participate in poll. The by default visibility setting is “anyone,” but you can go for other options as follows:

Anyone + Twitter – it will be visible to all the users registered on both LinkedIn and Twitter.

Connections only – visible to 1st-degree connections of the user or poll author only.

Group members – with this option you can only visible to members of a specific group where the poll was shared.

Event attendees –this is ideal when you create a event and make the poll visible to any attendee of a specific event.

Remember one thing that once you set the visibility for a poll, you can’t change it in any condition.

Duration of poll

Duration of a poll can be set to any of the options like One day, Three days, One week, Two weeks.

Poll Insights

The creator of a poll is the only one who will be able to view who voted and how each person voted. Moreover, he or she can also view the aggregate results displayed in a complete percentage format and the number of votes per option individually. Similarly, when a LinkedIn Page creates a poll, all admins of that LinkedIn Page will be able to see whom voted and how each person voted. These LinkedIn Polls can be created on the desktop homepage, as well as on the LinkedIn app for iOS and Android.

So now it’s time to ends this blog here and I hope you had learned about the latest changes done by LinkedIn in the context of getting polls and feedbacks through Social media. In case, if you had any hurdles while implementing these updates, or any other query related to Social Media Marketing then, you can consult with the experts of ProICT LLC. As they have experienced Digital Marketing professionals who are serving in the marketplace as one of the leading Social Media Marketing Service Providers Company In the USA.

benefits of using 301 redirect

Why Using 301 Redirect is Beneficial for Websites?

Have you ever noticed the three-digit numeric errors that come on the front of the screen when you enter a web page URL while surfing on the internet. If you are also sailing in the same boat, then stop being worried about it. You are getting the error because something goes wrong from the website server itself.

In technical terms, these errors are known as HTTP status codes and play a vital role when it comes to surfing a website or webpage. When you learn it from depth, then you will find that there are several kinds of website errors. Every error code has a precise meaning and each one represents a specific issue or error as follows:

  • 100 for Informational responses
  • 200 for Success responses
  • 300 for Redirection responses
  • 400 for Client error responses
  • 500 for Server error responses

The most common error codes are 301, 302, 304, 307, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 408, 410, and much more. With this blog, you will learn what does 301 error means and what can you do to avoid it. Therefore, you can better implement SEO Techniques on a website without any HTTP 301 errors.

What is an HTTP 301?

As I mentioned above that too, error codes start with 300 relates to the redirecting responses, 301 redirect is an HTTP status code. If you found 301 redirect codes on your screen that means the particular webpage you want to see has permanently moved or redirected on another webpage or URL. According to SEO professionals, using an HTTP 301 redirect code is one of the best ways to divert traffic from a webpage to another webpage.

Read Also: Some Aspects Regarding 301 Redirects

A 301 redirect code enables you to make changes in the website’s URLs without hurting your rankings or your usability. Basically, it notifies the browser that the current page is now moved on a new URL and it won’t be returning to its original location in the future. If you want to redirect a web page for temporarily then you should use 302 redirects as it indicates that the page has redirected to another webpage for temporarily without affecting your webpage and ranking results as well.

Why do you need 301 redirect?

In website designing, 301 redirect codes are an essential component when it comes to redirecting a web page. Here are some reasons that will help you to increase awareness about the necessity of HTTP 301 redirect code:

  • Using an HTTP 301 redirect code can be a great way to merge two or more webpages in a single webpage or document. Suppose you have two webpages on the website and both have quite similar content or information. In this situation, merging or redirecting one page to another is beneficial for your site and ranking too.
  • Using redirection may help to increase your websites’ usability. Suppose, you had recently worked on your websites (such as optimize better navigation, more precise content, or some other changes). Using 301 redirection works as a painless and effortless method to increase website usability without affecting your users and ranking.

So, I think it is enough for today next time we will discuss another error code. I hope now you can influence more visitors by using HTTP 301 and 302 redirection codes. You can use several redirection tools such as SEO plugin, redirect checker, SEO redirect checker and many more for implementing 301 redirect code. If you will face any struggle in using tools or implementing error codes, then you can employ a Search Engine Optimization Company. In my opinion, you should take suggestions or guidance from the experts of ProICT LLC for all digital marketing solutions.


Coronavirus Is Allowing You to Rethink and Renovate Your Marketing Tactics

Coronavirus Is Allowing You to Rethink and Renovate Your Marketing Tactics

After the weeks of pandemic lockdown, it feels like the COVID-19 has put the entire world on a pause, forcing small and medium to consider their budgeting to survive through this difficult time without collapsing on the ground. While on the other hand, toilet paper, mask and sanitizer production companies are in the prime positions to help society and that same time making huge profits.

However, amidst this global crisis, the majority of the companies are focused on looking after their products and services while communicating with their current customers and waiting for government support. But we already know, there is no end date for this global lockdown and one thing we currently know is, its impacts are going to be long-lasting and we can’t just sit at home to wait for this to pass.

What you can do to survive through this?

The key to survival lies in adaption. If you want to survive then, you need to find new ways to operate, manage, execute and sell the product and services to the customers. Content marketing is one of the strongest pillars of digital marketing services can play a significant role in tackling the circumstances in hand. Here are some ideas that can help your business to survive through this difficult time:

Ideas That Can Help Your Business To Survive Through This Pandemic Time

Take advantage of the free help

Similar to the UK, other governments of other governments are also coming forward to give a helping hand to small businesses. This free help can be your way to survive through this difficult time. Platforms like Facebook can be your way to reach out to your customers. The platform itself offering the $100 million in grants and ad credits to small businesses.

Now, if you are providing the online training amidst the lockdown then, Google will help you by unlocking its premium feature of the Hangout meeting.

Offer the real value now for more profit later

You may decide that you need to remove all your ads to give your sales a backseat for a while or your customers have taken that decision for you.  Either way, continuous content marketing services can build a relationship that will help to build a relationship that will convert into sales in the future.

Show your clients you are open for business

Only the great content has the power to cut through the unpredictable global crisis. The recent online survey shows that the demand for the relevant, quality and useful content is higher than ever. Every marketer is looking for the content they can use on social media, search and email marketing to attract the audience and convert it into sales.

Audit your strategy to bounce back

The digital marketers at ProICT have identified that brands that are enjoying success even during the pandemic have a strong content strategy.

In fact, they have also found that the demand is going to rebound. To stay ahead of your competitors, you need to audit your current marketing strategy and make sure you have everything on its place to engage the target audience during or after this crisis.

So, if you currently have a strategy in mind then, write it down and if you don’t have the strategy Find it at ProICT LLC.

COVID-19 is indeed creating challenges for many businesses across the globe but what you need to remember this is temporary and sooner or later it is going to end. So, you need to stick together and ensure you are providing the right value to your audience.


SEO News

Why Optimizing the SEO News Is Crucial to Publishers Who Are Covering Pandemic?

Are you a publisher? Well, if you are then, you might know why News Search engine optimization is absolutely critical for your business. Alongside this, you might know how difficult it is to optimize stories for Google news.

However, if you are an SEO then, you may not realize how useful SEO news for your own website or client. A New SEO tool called NewzDash is in the market that can not only help you but thousands of other publishers who are covering the pandemic news.

It was found that NewzDash also helps SEO and PR specialists- if they learn how to collaborate closely in a time where every one of focusing upon the remote work and social distancing. So, right before digging further, let’s find out how NewzDash can help SEO and PR specialist:

  • It will help to discover the latest news
  • It will optimize the latest stories
  • Track the ranking of their website in real-time

Now, if the above benefit seems interesting then, it is time to learn how to use the new NEWS SEO tool for your own website.

Why news optimization is crucial for publishers?

As mentioned earlier, publishers need to understand the significance of optimizing stories for Google News.

Back in September 2018, Megan Radogna- the digital strategist of IBM stated that Google and Google News are sending 51% of the total traffic while Facebook is sending only 29%. Apart from this, Searchmetrics also claimed that top stories (news that was appearing on the Google news sections) were perfectly blended to rank 9% keywords on mobile view while 11% for the desktop view.

Must Read: What Are The Important Elements Of A Technical SEO Audit?

The news section on Google doesn’t only contribute to the ranking factors but also in the click-through rate. To understand better let’s take a look at the popularity index of the search features

The popularity of the search features

Google is dominating the search engine world, making it crucial for SEO and PR specialist to rank on it to reach out to their target audience. In other words, search engine traffic is crucial for publishers as headline banners back in the 19th century.

How NEWS SEO can help online marketers and PR publishers?

Now there are many marketers like me who were keeping an eye on the field from the very beginning even when the beta version was launched back in 2002.

The Tad Clarke, the editorial director of “Marketingsherpa” once said that “we have used a tactic known as the SEO PR to generate measurable sales for various clients.” For examples, the early press release helped to generate:

  • $2.5 million airline ticket sales
  • 450000 new visitors on the Christian Science Monitor’s site in 2006.
  • 21% of revenue for SMPO back in 2003
  • 859 backlinks to Product Recall Finder in 2009.

But the interesting fact about these early press release tactics is they dropped like a hot brick when Google rolled down the link schemes that limit down and even restricted links that are linked with anchor text distributed on other sites. This directly affected the online marketing services and the posts like how to optimize Google News to boost your visibility vanished from the face of the search engine.

Moreover, if you look back to the early results, then you may find that one of these tactics involved building quality backlinks. Others just incorporated blinding brands, driving website traffic, increasing website traffics, and generating sales.

So, if it worked in the early days, then chances are there that it will also work with the new SEO News. Now, all you have to do is find the right agency to provide Search engine optimization services. ProICT LLP is here to take over the role of the right marketing partner by taking advantage of this opportunity.


PPC Marketing Techniques

Best PPC Marketing Techniques To Boost Your Audience Reach

In the world of Digital Marketing, promotion is something that contributes a major part to make or break an online business or brand. While promoting your brand, Search Engine Marketing Strategies is a popular way to socialize your business. As more than 70% of the users believe in the reviews and search results that reflect on the top of their searches. Moreover, it can attract more audience and boost sales and customer engagement as well.

However, in Search Engine Marketing, PPC ads are very necessary for those wants faster and genuine results and leads. However, PPC stands for Pay per click in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad got clicked by a searcher. PPC advertisement strategy is an attractive model for advertisers because they only have to pay for actual traffic generated by their ads.

That is why most of the organization working through online platforms consider employing SEM experts for better online presence and results. Here are some tips for the beginner who are aspirant to build up their career in PPC and Search engine marketing domain as well:

Tips for Beginners To Build Up Career in PPC Advertising

Choose the right platform

Firstly, you need to select the suitable platform or medium where you run your PPC campaign. According to SEM professionals using Google Ads are perhaps the most popular PPC campaign, but you can also go with other platforms such as Bing Ads, Bidvertiser, RevContent, Advertise.com, BuySellAds. Moreover, you can also go with social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter which offer pay-per-click advertisements.

Read More: How Digital Marketing Strategy Is Right For Your Business?

Select the type of advertisement for your campaign

Each platform will give you options for what kind of advertisement you want to pay to get more clicks on it. for example, on social media, you can choose between a single image, a single video, or create a slideshow to attract more customers. And on Google, your ads are visible when a searcher searches related to the keyword which you targeted.

Strategize a strong budget and bidding strategy

Now the next step is fixing your PPC campaign budget like how much you can pay for the clicks you get on your ad placements. On Google Ads, you’ll set a daily budget, whereas platforms like Twitter and Facebook will have you select the increments you want your payments to be in. Also, customize your which kind of audience you want to target, their interests, want to target a specific location, and search terms.

Organize and run your ad campaign

Once you set all the things like platform, the budget now it’s time to choose keywords and run your ad. Moreover, you can customize the search terms related to the ad to be sure that your ads are appearing in front of the people who are most interested in your content.

Track your ad’s performance

However, it is very necessary to make sure that your ad campaign is running according to your planning. If not, then there is no use of wasting money, time and efforts on it. In order to track your ad campaign, you can use the analytical dashboard provided by the platform on which you’re running your PPC campaign where you can track how your ads are performing. Basically, an analytical dashboard includes the traffic you’re receiving to your ad’s landing page, how much you’re spending, and even how well this traffic is converting into leads or revenue.

At the end of this blog, I hope that this blog will help you to understand why PPC Ads are necessary for an online business and how it will help you to increase more customer engagement and brand popularity on your social media accounts. So, use Pay per click advertising strategies for your business as well. In case, if you might have any confusion or difficulty while running PPC ads and Social Media Marketing strategies, you can take advice with the professionals of ProICT LLC to make it easier and effective.



Top 5 Marketing Channels To Optimize Your Digital Products Part-2

Those readers who are reading our posts on a regular basis are definitely aware of our previous blog titled “Top 5 marketing channels to optimize your digital products Part-1“. If not, then you must read it to learn about the topmost digital marketing channels that help you to promote and sell digital products. If you are also working as a Digital Marketing Professional, you should read this blog and the previous one too. In the previous blog, you have learned about two marketing channels that is Word of Mouth and Social media and this blog will tell you about the best marketing channels.

Marketing Channels To Optimize Your Digital Products

Content Marketing (with visuals)

Content is something that plays a very crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. Content marketing is a form of marketing strategy used to create, publish and distribute content for the targeted audience through online platforms. Using content marketing is good for a brand, but if you add visuals along with the content, it increases more customer engagement and will be more favorable for both digital products and brands as well.

According to an analysis, up to 85 % of customers prefer to watch a video before buying a product. Moreover, many brands also confirm that posts with images produce 180% more engagement with a 27% higher click-through rate and a 34% higher online conversion. Visuals are more engaging and interactive as compared to simple blogs or write-ups. They help brands cut through the monotonous noise of content marketing – as long as it is useful, relevant and resonates with your audience.

So, there is no dubiety that video content and images are on the rise and many Online Marketing professionals consider it as the future of content. When it comes to content, blogging is the most popular way for promotions so if you do not produce amazing, new content, you wouldn’t connect with new customers or may lose present customers also.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Nine Stats has proclaimed that 93% of all online experiences start through search. So organic Search Engine Optimization is the foundation of online visibility, especially when we are talking about digital products, where there is not really anything to make visible in non-virtual spaces.

For your digital product to be viable in today’s market, your product must be discoverable on the web. Using longtail keywords, metatags, links, and engaging content are just a few aspects to consider.

More importantly, conversion optimization helps to divert traffic for more and more conversions or visitors that visit your webpage or website. This will ultimately lead to more sales and allow you to remain competitive and stay ahead.

Email marketing

As the name Email marketing describes itself, a marketing strategy will enable you to keep in touch with your current customers as well as visitors who land on your website. It is very effective, cheap and inexpensive and considered as one of the traditional digital marketing channels in digital marketing.

As you send customers newsletters, digests, catalogs, direct advertisements, etc., more leads are generated, brand awareness increases, and conversion rates improve. According to Communications Hub, the right approach can raise your Return on Interest (ROI) up to 4300%.

To make your email marketing more powerful, make sure you build and maintain a rapport with your potential clients as well as existing customers. Emails should be short, personalized and easy to read as they initiate an action.

Therefore, the blog post ends here, I hope that now you are quite aware of the above digital marketing channels. If you are looking to hire an expert in digital marketing, I would suggest you visit the website of ProICT LLC as they are severing as one of the best digital marketing companies in the USA for a long time. If you are facing any difficulty in selecting the right marketing channel for your digital product or any other query related to digital marketing, you can take suggestions from our experts or can read more blog posts as well.

Google Analytics Alternatives

Is There Any Alternative Of Google Analytics?

In the modern era of digital marketing, using a website is very crucial for every online business. Many marketing professionals believe that a website works as a backbone for any online business, as it helps to establish credibility as a business. A website is amenable to divert more and more conversions or traffic through various digital marketing techniques.

Online conversions refer to a term that is used for those visitors who turn up into loyal customers. Earlier, the triumph of the SEO strategy depends on the SERP ranking with the relevant keywords. but, now it turns on the count of conversions done through the organic traffic. That is why it becomes more important to track the count of visitors and conversions on your site. However, it can be a very tough job for professionals to trace the details related to users come from traffic.

In order to track conversions, many SEO professionals suggest using Google Analytics, which is a web analytics services by Google. Basically, Google Analytics helps professionals to track and prepare reports based on web traffic and conversions as well. As we know that everything has an alternative or substitute, which also applies to Google Analytics.

Must Read: Steps To Track Conversions Through Google Analytics

Alternatives of Google Analytics

However, these tools may not be able to offer all of the features of Google Analytics but hey, maybe you don’t need it all anyway. If you are looking for another option then, you should check out the following reciprocates you can use instead of Google analytics.


Matomo is an all-rounder web analytics platform that is specially designed to ensure business owners to get the most conclusive and accurate insights with so many features. You can use it to evaluate the complete user experience of the visitor’s behavior with the help of Matomo’s Conversion Optimization features, such as Heatmaps, Sessions Recordings, Funnels, Goals, Form Analytics and A/B Testing. Moreover, you can enhance your SEO skills, access full Visitor Profiles, and use data-sensitive Tag Manager and much more features.


Woopra is an analytical tool, which provides information for the product, marketing, sales, and helps to track users throughout their experience on the site. It has specialized tracking abilities and more than 50 integrations with products such as Salesforce, Google Ads, Google Drive, Hubspot, and Campaign Monitor. It can do real-time, on-the-fly things like sending a message to a sales Slack channel right when a new user signs up.


Foxmetrics is most effective to store all the raw data like a data warehouse, which can be accessed easily with the ability to generate reports via SQL. You can also use SQL to access your website data and the specific queries to give you the exact information you want in various scenarios and not be tied down to the usually offered reporting. It allows e-commerce companies to do the entire usual track and segment customers, analyze cart abandonment, etc. Moreover, it also helps to optimize pop-ups and customer website surveys.

Therefore, the blog post ends here, I hope that now you use the above substitutes in place of Google Analytics. However, if you want to do it professional manner and looking to hire an expert in digital marketing, I would suggest you visit the website of ProICT LLC as they are severing as one of the best Search Engine Optimization companies in the USA for a long time.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

Digital or Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Good For Small Business?

In the constantly changing marketing world, running or managing a small business is not everyone’s cup of tea. The person, who is supervising a small business (especially an online business) needs to be more tolerant and skilled to run a business efficiently. When it comes to marketing, most of the professionals prefer to adopt Digital Marketing Trends instead of old traditional marketing methodologies.

As there are many standard challenges, which means every business should face no matter whether they are large or small.However, technology is having a huge impact on the user’s mental and physical health, which grabs the attention of business owners too. It is transparent that using the latest technology to promote a business can be a great deal for small business owners.

If you are also thinking about to switch towards the latest marketing techniques, then this blog post is ideal for you. In this blog, you will learn about why digital marketing is far better than those ancient or traditional marketing solutions. Moreover, how digital marketing works for the growth of a small business.

What are the old traditional marketing methods?

Traditional marketing is the old technique of promoting a brand through various marketing strategies such as advertising, publicity, sales, merchandising and distribution also. The earlier businesses have to rely on various ways of traditional marketing such as television, radio, newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, catalogs, visiting cards, billboards, vehicle signboards for advertisement and marketing intents. On top of all marketing tools, professionals focus on referrals or word of mouth which is an effective way of marketing these days too. Referrals are helpful to spread information towards reliable customers about products or services.

Is digital marketing replaced traditional marketing methods?

Well, the answer to the above question is yes, Digital Marketing Techniques are more advanced and impactful in the comparison of traditional marketing. Even professionals believe that digital marketing has drastically changed the way businesses operate in the past few years. Huge empires or large-sized organizations are well aware of digital marketing, but small business has mistaken that digital marketing is not for them.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing or should I say internet marketing refers to numerous marketing techniques used by professionals to increase the popularity of a brand or an online business as well. It is very crucial to increase the online presence of a brand or a website as well. Businesses can leverage several digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

What kind of strategies comes under Digital marketing?

As I said above that digital marketing is a compilation of various marketing techniques. So, following are names of those digital marketing strategies that are crucial for every online business:

  • Paid search, or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Email Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Native Advertising
  • Marketing Automation
  • Online Press Releases
  • Inbound Marketing

So here ends the blog post, I hope that now you had better understand which marketing strategies are good for your business. If you are facing any difficulty in the context of your online business or have any other query related to digital marketing and SEO, you can take suggestions from our experts or can read more blog posts available at the official website.

However, digital marketing is not an easy thing, you need to hire a professional who is serving in this field and do this job for your business. If you are looking for a Digital Marketing Expert, I would suggest you visit the website of ProICT LLC as they are severing in Digital Marketing services as one of the leading service providers in the USA for a long time.